Monday, October 1, 2012


Seventy-two hours, two bus rides and quite a few walking miles later, I'm back from my weekend in the Big Apple. 

I'll be posted photos and some highlights from my trip later this week - keep your eyes peeled for a post about the free activities my friends and I stumbled upon (and I highly recommend doing if you are in the city).  

For the moment I wanted to say thank you to you. Last month, I had the highest number of individual hits to this blog ever.
Readers from coast to coast to coast (and beyond!) have been checking out Sunrise Junction, and it looks like we're growing faster than ever! 

A lot of it has been word of mouth, dedication, social media and some good ol' classic support. 

It's little, but when someone says "I was reading your blog the other day..." I get this giddy feeling that people are looking at what I'm doing and paying attention. 

Thank you again, and stay tuned for a plethora of pumpkin pictures/obsession with everything autumn on my end.

There's lots of treats to come on Sunrise Junction. 

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