Sunday, March 30, 2014


There's a lot to be said about recharing your batteries. 

After a couple weeks (and weekends) full of nonstop meetings, social media strategy building and a lot of birthdays/ mind and body needed to check out. 

Over the last 72 hours, I've tucked away in my little apartment, emerging only for a quiet dinner with friends, yoga class and a coffee run. It has been glorious. 

My nickname when I was working for the London 2012 Games was "Miss Social" (and some say I've just carried it through), but sometimes the social media gal need a social break. 

I'll be back full-force tomorrow friends. Happy Sunday. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


My office doesn't have fancy art, cubicles or even a coffee machine. One day I'm looking out the window of a downtown coffee shop. The next, I'm sitting in a head office boardroom at a meeting. In the evening, I am most likely that girl you see having pint in the corner and looking connect with an awesome restaurant in Vancouver.
Some say it's not "stable"...but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I alawys knew I wasn't going to be behind a desk. The beauty of being a journalist and social media specialist is you're always on the go - the news and content doesn't come to you.
According to Forbes, those who work from home (or virtually) are "13 per cent more productive, happier in their jobs and less likely to leave their office-bound peers." The Loop Team is truly unique in this realm, and like any "office" environment there are things that work and don't. Here's how to combat them:

Saturday, March 22, 2014


"You are allowed to be alive. 

You are allowed to be somebody different.

You are allowed to not say goodbye to anybody or explain a single things to anyone, ever." 

- Augusten Burroughs 

Friday, March 14, 2014


Well...hey there Friday.

Spring has always been both my favourite and most hated season (and not just because of allergies).

When I was in university, it signalled the end of school and my structured routine.

Even when I was a kid, I loved having all my ducks in a row and knowing what each week looked like ahead of time. I hated change.

But there are little things I've always loved about spring - the extra couple hours of sunlight, rising temperatures and impromptu social gatherings which creep up more often.

Over the past year, my life has been completely flipped upside down, thrown around BUT actually landed right-side up.

Being my own boss and working with a plethora of different people (and in the social media forum itself) makes every week completely unpredictable. Heck, it makes every single day a challenge.

Throwing my sense of control out the window actually gave me the skills to create the life I wanted, not just what others thought it should be.

Talk about a spring awakening.

Maybe I'll look back at this time as the "spring" season of my life. Maybe not. Either way, I'm running with the transition and stopping to smell the the cherry blossoms along the way.

Just a thought. Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 10, 2014


"Changing ourselves. 

Surely that must be what we're after when we look at pictures and watch movies and listen to music.

It sounds more Californian than it really is. 

Changing ourselves includes switching on the raido when we're bored - to change from being someone who's bored to someone who's less bored, or bored in a different way. 

But of course, we would prefer to think that the art we venerate does more than feed us sensations to keep us from the gloom of everyday existence. 

(Why would I prefer that? What's wrong with the opposite? I remember someone saying that all human creativity is a desperate attempt to occupy the brief space or endless gap between birth and death). 

We would like to think that art remakes us in some way, deepens us, makes us "better people." 

- Brian Eno

Thursday, March 6, 2014


After a tease of spring-like weather, Vancouver is back to being typical. Rainy.

This means optimal time to read, research, sip good tea and update my blogette! I'll take the rain over snow any day...

Without further ado, here's this month's Top 5: 

I've been really into Miguel's music for a good year and a bit. The fact this song was on GIRLS a couple weeks ago? Even better. 

Exactly one month ago we debut "Lovers of Marley" and sold out The Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver. It was truly a magical experience to dance, choreograph and also work on the marketing side for the company. Stay tuned for updates on our next show coming this summer! 

Beautiful B.C. 

There was one week where I slept in three different cities in the matter of a few days. I've absolutely loved seeing more of our stunning province. This is just a quick shot of Prince Rupert.

Kidd Pivot. 
A friend and I saw "The Tempest Replica" last night. My mind is still blown. Get your tickets and yourself to the theatre to see this show - seriously. 

When I grow up, I hope I can even half as fabulous as Mrs. Lilen is - woman makes amazing infographics and cocktails. Make sure to check out her Instagram as well.