Monday, July 13, 2015


'Tis the witching time of the summer.

I love this part of the year. The days are hot, and the evenings are a welcome relief from the heat. Every day is open to possibilities...meetings turn into hangouts, we end up waiting that extra hour for a happy hour patio.

Life is just lovely in the summer.

At the beginning of the year, a close friend of mine asked if I wanted to join in on an order for a Day Designer. My gut said yes before I even knew what I was getting into. A few weeks later a beautiful little box arrived.

The first few pages are tough. You work through your goals, values, emotions and so much more on paper. I remember sitting down in a crowded coffee bar on a rainy day with a newspaper, Americano and pen, ready to attack.

Only a few minutes into my planned "planning" session, I found myself way too overwhelmed and had to step back. A few days later I dove back in and found out a completely different path awaited me that I had hinted at loving, but was rearing it's head.

I won't get into the nitty gritty, but one of the reoccurring statements was about traveling and teaching. Combining those two together - a teaching tour is in the works.

Six months later, I'm on the eve of heading to the Okanagan to teach in two different cities, several classes for the City of Kelowna, Army of Sass and perform in a wedding flash mob proposal for a couple.

It's true, once you speak something out - whether it's vocal, written, etc. things happen. Your brain is triggered to start responding and putting into action what you really want.

Just a thought. Here we go!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


My mother is the most glamourous woman I know. She's been my greatest teacher, mentor and therapist about anything and everything in life.

As I've grown up, so have our conversations. I'm so thankful for an open and honest repore with her.

She's taught me everything I know, and most importantly, how to be a lady.

Here we are, lady lessons from my mother: 
2015 edition

1. Never wear the same thing two days in a row:  your shoes, your bra, etc. Give everything at day to air out and also, it will hold the shape better. 

2. You really only need two heathcare practitioners as you get older: your chiropractor + your gyno. 

3. Always have an awesome haircut. You wear it every day after all. 

4. If you're tired, frustrated or upset, make a cup of tea and read a book. By then it will be time for bed. You'll wake up on a new day with a new perspective on how to tackle things.

That's all. Thanks Mom. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015


And just like that...things can change rather quickly.

There are always going to be months where one is feasting, and others when you're fasting.

In some areas, business will be booming. Others, falling apart.

You start to do things you never thought you'd do, but ended up loving.

Change is coming and it's always for a reason.

I'm taking this full moon as a sign. Wait it out, take things as they come and look at each day as an opportunity to expand, try something new and reach for the stars.

Sunday thoughts.

PS - I'll be back to Toronto for a wee visit, my birthday and a wedding in October! You best know there'll be some dancing happening.