Saturday, August 24, 2013


I know what you're thinking...a cupcake is just a cupcake right?


As a child, my mom taught me how to bake to help me learn about fractions. I loved making cookies and cupcakes, and quickly figured out how to eyeball half a cup of flour, how many teaspoons were table spoon, et cetera.

Alas, I have had many, many baking disasters in the kitchen. I know I can cook, but trust me, for every good meal or treat I make, there were quite a few duds.

That's why I so appreciate when someone or a business can get things just so right. 

I may have grown up since those early math days, but I still adore cupcakes. Some people have token coffee shops and must-go restaurant choices. I have the same for these petits gâteaux. Here are a few of my favourites:


A friend of mine recommended Dlish Cupcakes one winter afternoon, and we trotted off to find the store on Queen West. Needless to say, every time I've been in the neighbourhood, I've found an excuse to pass by Dlish to grab a cupcake - they're that good. 

Even better? They're always giving away cupcakes via Twitter. Every few afternoons, they'll tweet a secret word or phrase, and if you can get there in time, you could win some free cupcakes with this information. 



New York City might as well be called cupcake Mecca. Like a coffee order, everyone has their shop and cupcake order figured out. Some may call it high maintenance, I think it's awesome. 

If you haven't heard of Magnolia Bakery from its plethora of media coverage and TV hits, you should know about it right now. The bakery itself is quite girly, decorated in pastels and with white subway tiles along the walls. 

Be prepared to wait a few moments, (there's nearly always a line for these beauties) but I promise they're worth it for the frosting alone. 


Molly's Cupcakes may be my favourite bakery in the world. I'm serious.

My friends who had just moved to New York City said it was a must-go before I left the next day. We trekked over to Greenwich Village (one of my favourite areas) and gorged ourselves on the finest cupcakes I have ever had. 

I like to think of Molly's as a cupcake bar. You choose your cupcake flavour, can add another frosting and sprinkles, cookie crumbs, etc on top. Nothing is too wild. 

Even better? They has swinging seats hanging from the ceiling. Perfect to embrace your inner child. 


Alas, I have not been to the other famed cupcake shop, Crumbs. Next trip. 


This just might have been the place that started it all. 

I remember walking by this extravagant, pink and bright cupcake shop on Denamn Street in Vancouver in late 2006 - I made my entire family stop and go inside. 

What followed was each of us walking out with a treat. Yes, even the male counterparts. 

I think what I love the most about Original Cupcakes is that's all they are, cupcakes. They do one thing, really, really well. And it pays off. I'm a loyal customer whenever I am in Vancouver, and I think I'm going to have to set limits now that I'm officially in the city. 


I'm always on the hunt for great places to find cupcakes in every major city. Got recommendations? Send them my way via the comments below or on social media (@PortiaFavro).

Now go get a cupcake!

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