Friday, July 19, 2013


If you see one movie in theatres this summer, I urge you to make it Before Midnight. 

One of the fabulous things about these warmer months is having the time to take in those easy pastimes. Also, a few of the days I've been home in Kelowna have been so hot that I could hardly stand it.

So why not escape to the cool, fresh, air conditioned movie theatre?

 Last week on "Cheap Tuesday", I'm sure nearly everyone in line was actually there to see Despicable Me 2. 

So we chose to go to Before Midnight. 

Having seen Before Sunrise many years ago, I was eager to see how the storyline would progress since we last saw Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Deply).

The conclusion? It was perfectly imperfect.

I applaud Hawke and Deply for their portray of a very "real" marriage. The chemistry, reactions and dialogue, which was also written by the actors, is superb. In many ways, I saw the moments between many couples whom have been together or married for a long period of time.

Is their relationship "messy"? Some may argue that. However, I think out of all, the movie was a snapshot of what the modern relationship is actually like. Happily ever after can come in many ways. It's doesn't have to be defined by marriage, a house in the suburbs and fancy toys.

As well, the cinematography in the movie is quite unique. Many of the scenes where there is a long dialogue between Hawke and Delpy has been shot in one or two frames. This leaves little or no room for errors!

After all the movies I've seen this year, Before Midnight is refreshing. Definitely my must-see pick for the summer.

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