Friday, December 9, 2011


There are life events that are monumental - weddings, first kisses, breakups, legal drinking age birthdays and graduations are just a few.

We celebrate these events with an abundance of positivity and time with the ones we love, accompanied by good wine and friends.

But what about when things are a little rough? What about those seemingly "normal" days that seem to require a little something for us to celebrate?

In a yoga class a few weeks ago a teacher said that in a the huge question of "what is the meaning of life?" that perhaps we are put here to simply enjoy what life is.

"Don't fear getting older, for it's a privilege denied to many."

I stumbled upon this sequence of little videos the other day that reflect all these philosophies - common days, celebrating events, and enjoying the day to the hilt. It also helps that most of us have been though one or a few of these events, making them more realistic.

Celebrating with new friends:

Crying with the old:

And taking time for yourself.

All this has got me wanting to try a red bubbly champagne - New Years Eve perhaps?

PS speaking of all this enjoyment, although my family is adopting a family for Christmas and not buying each other presents, I will still be releasing my gift guide of some things I've come across that are lovely for hostesses, mothers or a good friend that you want to get a little something for. Stay tuned!

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