Thursday, June 2, 2011


It's day four - things are still going well at the station. I'm learning a lot, meeting some really interesting people and getting to do some unexpected jobs!

I have been assisting/shadowing reporters every day so far, listening to how they interview, writing scripts and watching the end product. Today, I followed a reporter and cameraman to West Kelowna to cover a press conference. I've always been interested in camerawork and editing, and got the opportunity to stay with the cameraman.

In a turn, I got to actually shoot some of the story! It was about homes, leases and insurance, and all the shots were static and called "wallpaper" but hey, I got to hold and use the awesome cameras! Here's the video:

I was shown how to do some interesting fades (moving one sign from being in focus in the background to the focus on another sign in the foreground) and tilts to spice things up a little bit. I know it's not too much at this time, but still fun on day four!

One week almost done, a few more to go!

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