Thursday, May 28, 2015


Well hello there, it's been awhile.

Over the past month, I was lucky enough to perform in a monthly review with The Lovers Cabaret, attend one of my best friend's weddings in Mexico, teach a workshop in the Okanagan, and next weekend, see my younger brother graduate from university.

Since the beginning of May, I've felt a shift. I pushed it away initially, thinking that life has its ups and downs...but now that I'm back from a week away (and off my electronics for 90% of it) I feel this shift stronger than ever.

A few things have happened that keep leading me to the word power. 

"Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power." 
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Looking back, I left Toronto almost two years ago, graduated from university three years ago, and Kelowna nearly seven ago...where has time gone? I'm such a different (and better!) person now that I've brought dance back into my life, started owning exactly who I am and just doing what feels right.

Perhaps it's because I'm getting older, but I feel much more conscious about who I surround myself with on a day to day basis. There's a saying that you take on and are influenced by the five people you are around the most.

Choose wisely.

It made me start to think, I am that person to anyone else? If so, what is the influence and the message I want to give?

I've started to think about it, and realized I don't to define it. I'm who I am. That's all. We choose who we want to hang out and not be with.

Know your power. Be your power. Own your power.

That's all.

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