Saturday, May 25, 2013


Happy Saturday!

Although I've been a bit under the weather this past week (pesky spring cold, go away!) I've been moving steadfast toward a couple of new goals, tying up some loose ends on some big projects and finally enjoying a touch of warm weather.

In honour of The Rolling Stones performing in Toronto tonight - it only makes sense to kick off the playlist with a mixup of one of their newer singles "Doom and Gloom". Normally I would shun any remixes of their music, but this version by Benny Benassi is actually pretty fantastic.

This past year I've really developed a taste and interest in electronic and dubstep music (who would have thought...) but I'm finding it the easiest to teach my warm up in class, and also tune out when I need to focus on work. The beat feels like a metronome - consistent and keeping time.

Here's a sneak peek into what I've been listening to over the past few weeks gearing up on new choreography, teaching class, and writing, writing, writing.

Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

May 2013 by pfav on Grooveshark

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