Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a great long weekend - don't you love that tomorrow is already Wednesday (and that means we're almost to the next weekend...)

Life has not been short of projects, classes and work since I got back from B.C. last week. If you didn't know already, my latest client, DivaGirl Fitness and I have teamed up to run a series of "how-to" articles about social media.

I'm constantly asked many little questions about how to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and many other networks effectively for both personal branding and businesses, and I'm hoping these posts will be a good resource and reference point for interested parties.

Check out my first post here - "How to be a social media diva - Twitter 101". Stay tuned, I'll be posted my next article in June!

Have a great afternoon.

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