Saturday, January 31, 2015


Currently listening: Patti Smith's cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

The last month has certainly been an interesting one. I know there was a ton of this "New Year, New You" mantra-ing happening, but I really wasn't feeling it. In fact, I felt exactly the same moving into the new year as I felt leaving 2014.

I sat down with one of my good friends and Producer for several shows I've been a part of the other night, and we hashed it out. January 2015 was hard. T

here were a lot of things that went south during a time of refreshment and renewal. On the flip side, I experienced and found success in several places I didn't think would be profitable (like booking my first TV show!)

However, it's ending. Tomorrow is a fresh page of a new month. For me, I feel like it's my time to step into a new chapter.

I'm thrilled to be expanding my personal brand of dance work and choreography, and am taking on new projects, teaching more classes and brainstorming ways to travel, share and showcase more of what I love to do.

Right now I'm in the thick of building with a full class schedule, background and demo work in all my areas of expertise and creativity. It's a long time coming, but I'm en route!

Have a wonderful weekend friends. Tomorrow, it's a brand new day.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


"Other letters simply relate the small events that punctuate the passage of time: 

rose picked at dusk, the laziness of a rainy Sunday, a child crying himself to sleep. 

Capturing the moment, these small slices of life, these small gusts of happiness, move me more deeply than all the rest. 

A couple of lines or eight pages, a Middle Eastern stamp or a suburban postmark...

I hoard all those letters like treasure. 

One day I hope to fasten them end of end in a half-mile steamer, to float in the wind like a banner raised to the glory of friendship. 

It will keep the vultures at bay." 

- Jean-Dominique Bauby, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Saturday, January 24, 2015


This has been one of those perfect rainy Saturday's - quiet. 

This past week was full of work, classes, meetings and not one, but two fantastic dance gigs. I'm very pleased to annouce I'm a specialty dance performing on the show, MOTIVE, which airs on CTV. 

I'm slowly but surely getting better this whole "resting" thing and taking days off when I really get them. Audrey Hepburn once said, "I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel." 

It also gives me the precious time to plan, write, and plan for the coming week. 

PLUS, I get to write a new Top 5 for y'all! 

The Day Designer. 
Sometimes, you just gotta kick your own butt into shape. 
Today I took a deep breath and dove in to find out more about what I really want to do. I definitely have some fresh ideas, goals and am ready to process and put them into place. This little book just opened up the possibilities. Let's do it. 

Etta James. 
There's just something about dancing to this siren of song. Plus, her birthday was on January 20. 
Stay tuned for my level 1 dancers performing to her beautiful music in "Back to Basics" March 26/27 at Celebrities Nightclub. 

You guys, I've decided to finally once and for all grow my hair out into a long bob. It's time. 

Tuesday Grooveday. 
Step one, just go for it. I finally voiced and laid down the ropes to start my own dance class under Portia Favro Productions. Every Tuesday evening, my friend and I offer a heels cabaret and artistic direction class at one of our local studios for a reasonable price point. 

Although it seems simple, I found this very challenging. Every week, who knows if anyone will come? But it's worth the risk. Which leads me to...


Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. 

- P.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I've learning a lot this week. It's been busy, full of of challenges and made me realize where my priorities really lie. There are a few exciting projects and bookings on the go...and I can't wait to share more with you soon. 

For now, it's me, a quiet evenig in, a cup of tea and Suits (my latest obsession). 

Stay tuned dears.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


It's comforting knowing others are going through (or have been) the same things you are.

I'm feeling very, very creative. Very open to opportunity and new things. I'm in the thick of taking the next step in my process as an artist.

With great power also comes great responsibility (thank you Peter Parker). I'm taking on extra artistic development classes, connecting with like-minded and radically different creators and finding out more not just where I want to put this power, but also how.

I don't know that yet. I'm still looking, researching, trying and finding out a little more each day.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Here we go.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I've had two major breakthroughs on stagein the last 2 years. Both times, it was dancing to music by Lana del Rey. 

She's my current style, artistic and creative muse for 2015. I'm absolutely loving this spread in Grazia France. 

View the entire story here. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


"Starting is humbling. 

Re-starting is even more so. 

But grace. 

Grace spurs us to try with full knowledge that we'll screw up. 

Grace catches us when we inevitably don't do things perfect.

But grace lets us try.  

Trying is hard and starting is humbling, but what's the alternative? 

Never growing or going? 

That doesn't sound like worship to me. 

Let's slap a smile on our faces and try, with the knowledge that we'll have to try again. 

It's all grace." 

- Jess Connolly

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Happy New Year my friends. 

Tomorrow night I am gathering with a plethora of good friends to welcome 2015. 

It's also the first full moon of the year. Read more about what that all means here. 

Have a wonderful evening and I hope you are having the loveliest start to the new year. 


- P.