Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Whew...well the last few days have certainly been a bit of a whirlwind.

I have to say, I did not anticipate to see and be a part of so much dance happening in Vancouver!

Everywhere I go, I'm either running into dancers or teachers from class, seeing a poster to come take classes at various studios or for another show.

This past weekend I ended up at two dance shows celebrating various types of movement in the city. In many ways, these are the "networking" events of the dance world.

I got to see some incredible performers, choreographers and get a scope of the many companies and people involved in each.

As I'm moving more into a choreography and producing role (never fear, I won't stop performing anytime soon), it's been very interesting to be coming into a community fresh and seeing everyone for the first time.

Yes, I've already encountered some people I'm not interested in working with because of their attitude. However, the rest of you are still looking mighty fine - I'm looking forward to working with many of you throughout the coming year on some great projects.

What are you waiting for? Kick up those heels and get dancing!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I hope you're staying up late, sleeping in and enjoying some halloween festivities this weekend. 

I'm off to a dance battle/costume fete tonight - my two favourite things (does it get better?) 

Happy Sunday! 

Friday, October 25, 2013


"The gods envy us. 

The envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. 

Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. 

You will never be lovelier than you are now. 

We will never be here again." 

- Troy

And on that note, I'm off to enjoy the weekend. Happy Friday friends. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Oh what a week it's been! Between my birthday, dancing, an event and time with family and friends, I've been running a bit fast over the last few days.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this weekend to rest up and enjoy several Halloween festivities.

Again, thank you to so many people who called, messages or touched base with me during my birthday - what a treat to have people not only from all corners of the country, continent (and world!) taking a moment to send a birthday wish.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Whoa man! I can't believe it's already late October (and my birthday is this week...say what?!) I know everyone talks about the years going by faster, and this past one is no exception.

Yes, there were slow moments, but overall, it's been quick, fantastic and full of great experiences and a lot of lessons.

I've been able to pocket a few fabulous things this past month as well...thought I would share some of my favourites in my October Top 5.

Instagram magnets.
Seriously though, how cool are these? May just have to be my birthday present to myself (and my next DIY project) 

Karolina Turek. 
I had an incredible opportunity to shoot some new headshots with Vancouver photographer Karolina Turek. Not only is she gorgeous, but she has an incredible eye for a good shot. If you are in need of photos (especially headshots) Karolina is your girl. 

 Infused water. 
Working for a client that sells water has you getting really creative with their social media content. After seeing a plethora of infused water recipes, I was inspired to try them out. 
My favourite recipe: slice half a lemon into thin shavings. Slice roughly the same amount of cucumber. Let sit in water overnight. 

Oh Land.
Throughout a series of events, I ended up at musician Oh Land's concert in Vancouver last week. She's divine live, and spent quite awhile after the show at her merch both chatting and posing for photos with fans. Best song of the night: Renaissance Girls

Crazy Horse Cabaret. 
I'm absolutely obsessed with Crazy Horse Cabaret as of late. The music, the dancing, the lighting...true art. My one year goal: see the show live in Paris. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I stumbled on this article a few weeks ago, and for whatever reason, it really struck a chord with me.

As I read the piece, I immediately started thinking about my answers. The farther I got, the more I started thinking about how many answers have changed - especially over the past year.

I think this might be a great addition to goal lists. Taking a moment to check in and see where one is on our goal paths is always a good idea, but so is answering the eternal question: Am I happy? 

If not (or you're on your way, this is a good list to start with.

8 Things Every Happy Woman Should have 

A go-to drink 
Gin and tonic, extra limes. 
Whiskey sour. 

A go-to karaoke song
Lose Yourself, Eminem & Careless Whisper, George Michael

A uniform
Monday to Friday: pencil skirts, lady-like dresses and a good leather jacket. Heels.
Weekend: Well-loved boyfriend jeans, tank top, big scarf and blazer/jacket. Flats. 
Always: Three silver bracelets my father got me in Mexico. Left wrist. Good manicure and pedicure. 

A hair stylist they love
I only trust my locks to one stylist, and she's in the Okanagan. Truth: every time I was back home from Toronto, whether I needed it or not, I got a haircut. 

An exercise routine 
It's no secret that dancing is my go-to and favourite form of exercise. Being in the studio a few times a week, with a couple yoga classes (and if I'm lucky, time to jump in the pool for a swim) keeps my mind and body in check. 

A hobby 
When I'm not dancing and working, I love to sip good cocktails with good friends, see live music in small venues, blog, cook and most recently, explore new neighbourhoods.  

A best friend 
I'm lucky enough to have a couple incredible girlfriends from various stages and parts of my life. There are 3-4 women from high school, university, my dance life, Toronto and Vancouver who would jump on a plane if I needed them (and vice versa). 

A healthy sense of self
Funny enough, during a Saturday night hangout, my friend and I fell onto this topic. That's when I realized three things about myself: 
1. Life is too short not to listen to good music 
2. I'm over trying to be perfect - my goal is to be as good as I can be
3. Compete with myself, not others 

Saturday, October 19, 2013


"Home is the result of intersecting lives.

It is the secondary color created by individuals in relationships...yes, home is the landscape of people, places, and things up which we live out life. 

But, it is mostly about people. 

That is why home can be a suburban neighbourhood, or a struggling farm or a ship at sea, or a war-torn nation. 

After all, home is where the hearts are." 

- Austin Sailsbury in Kinfolk Magazine, Volume V: In Search of Home 

When people ask where I'm from, my answer is often determined by how long I'll be socializing with them. 

After moving around a couple times during my childhood, high school years, then off to university and beyond...I don't have a solid "hometown". 

However, I have divine friends and contacts throughout Canada, the U.S. and the world, so the above quote certainly hits home (no pun intended) for me.

Friday, October 18, 2013


I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted! However, sometimes a gal just needs a break.

I find October has notoriously been one of the busiest months every year. Between work, dance, Thanksgiving, Halloween, freelance contracts and of course, my birthday, I pop my head up and realize the month is halfway over.

This year, instead of whining that it's almost gone (along with this stunning fall weather in Vancouver), I've decided to take it outside and offline.

A few weeks ago I wrote about being the "yes" girl. Tina Fey said the best tactics in life include saying "yes" and figuring things out later.

This strategy has had me out of the house, running around town and exploring this beautiful new city I get to call home.

Thus, I've not been near a computer in my off hours!

In the constant struggle we face for work-life balance, I think this seems appropriate. I'll be back and forth posting on here over the next few months, just a heads up.

And with that...I'm off again!

Have a fabulous weekend.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Yippee for Friday!

Fall is truly a time we harvest the seeds we planted earlier this year - this season for me is no different.

Here's a quick run through of events, classes, performances and workshops I have coming up over the next few months.

Monday, October 14 
Army of Sass drop-in class, Kelowna, B.C.
#7 - 368 Industrial Avenue - 7PM 

Tuesday, October 29 
Army of Sass drop-in class, Vancouver
1000 Rivers, 54 East 4th Avenue - 7PM

Saturday, November 9 
Vancouver's Next Bombshell Workshop (Top Dancer Competition)
Location TBA, teaching at 12:30PM 

Friday, November 15 
Vancouver's Next Bombshell Competition
Venue Nightclub (881 Granville Street) - 7PM 

Thursday, November 21
Sexy and Wealthy in Heels Vancouver
Brooklyn Gastown, 91 Powell Street - 7PM
Get your tickets here 

Saturday, December 7 & December 14 
High Heel Revolution (Chic-a-Boom Room) Vancouver
Celebrities Nightclub, 1022 Davie Street - 9PM 

For more information about tickets, prices or what not, leave a comment below! Whether you're interested in dancing, watching or just experimenting, there's a show and class for everyone.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


For the first time since high school, I'm going to be home in Kelowna for Thanksgiving. 

I have a lot to be thankful for every single day. This past year in particular has brought about as many fantastic as well as horrible things in my life and throughout my friend circle. 

There have been births, deaths, successes, failures, love, breakups job losses, career advancements, moves and so much more. 

There are somethings I wish I could have done much differently in the past year, especially first world problem-wise. However, every decision and event that's happened has actually helped me learn a new skill and (hopefully) grow as a person. 

This year, I'm especially thankful for the bumpy road. I'm still on it, and though it can get rough at times, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Enjoy your long weekend Canadian friends - Happy Thanksgiving!