Saturday, August 31, 2013


I'm very pleased to announce that I've had the highest amount of visitors to my blogette, ever, this past month. 

To all my readers, skimmers, photo junkies, dance nuts and such, thank you for taking a couple moments to peek at my musings. 

I never dreamed that this little site that I created solely to curate my favourite things of the moment, along with test out more styles of writing, posting, et cetera, would blossom into the Sunrise Junction it is today.

Anywho...just thought I would say merci beaucoup for the love - enjoy the last long weekend of summer! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Easter Exultant - by James Broughton 

Shake out your qualms.
Shake up your dreams.
Deepen your roots.
Extend your branches.
Trust deep water
and head for the open,
even if your vision
shipwrecks you.
Quit your addiction
to sneer and complain.
Open a lookout.
Dance on a brink.
Run with your wildfire.
You are closer to glory
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut.
Not dawdling.
Not doubting.
Intrepid all the way
Walk toward clarity.
At every crossroad
Be prepared
to bump into wonder.
Only love prevails.
En route to disaster 
insist on canticles.
Lift your ineffable
out of the mundane.
Nothing perishes;
nothing survives;
everything transforms!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I just put two and two together that I have been officially back in B.C. for two months (is that enough two's for you?) 

So many incredible things have happened in the last few weeks in my home province - good times with friends, reconnecting with family members at weddings, celebrating the start of new lives and adjusting to a couple big changes on my end. 

Was it hard to come back? Of course. 

I've definitely had a couple moments when I thought to myself, what on Earth were you thinking Portia? 

But that too has past and I'm ready to start the next chapter this fall. 

Without further ado, here are a few of my favourite moments from summer 2013 as I start to pack away my short shorts - it'll be missed! 

Performing in High Society Cabaret at the Chic-a-Boom Room (my last TO show). 
In Niagara Falls with the Army of Sass dance teachers. 
My final night in Toronto - missing these ladies. 
Vancouver - my cousin Mike gets hitched. 
The Caravan Farm Theatre, a gem of the Okanagan. 
Celebrating Rochelle's birthday in Vancouver. 

Teaching at Dancing in the Park. 
Alicia and I - giggling, as per usual. 

Monday, August 26, 2013


"I don't really want to become normal, average, standard. 

I want merely to gain in strength, in the courage to live my life more fully, enjoy more. 

I want to develop even more original and more unconventional traits." 

- AnaĂ¯s Nin 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Everyone has their own rules to abide by when it comes to personal style.

I wholeheartedly agree with having a few, classic great pieces that I've invested in to be the staples of a wardrobe. After that, most of my clothing is eclectic, inexpensive or off the cuff finds from everywhere from Costco to vintage stores. 

My one unbreakable rule? When in doubt, invest in a good haircut. 

Think about it. You wear your hair every single day. Yes, we want to throw it back in a ponytail most days, but with a little effort and time, you can be wearing a potato sack with a great hairstyle and look chic. 

Now, let's turn this on its head - I also have a think for mohawks. 

Nothing wild, but definitely a good faux-hawk on most ladies is glamourous way to mix up your look for a dressy occasion. Example: check out Julianna Hough's coiffure at the Golden Globes below. 

When I was in my second year of university, my hair was just short enough to not get away with doing it everyday. I didn't mind that, but like anyone, sometimes I was running late to class. 

That's when I started to favour my faux-hawk. Trust me, it's not too much for day to day life. In fact, I find it more flattering and a bit more pulled together than a messy pony. 

It took a little bit of time, but I started working with YouTube tutorials before finding my own technique to work with my hair texture (and personal style). I love this video below, I think this might have been one I first worked with. 

Here are two more examples of great mohawk/faux-hawks. Simple, chic and all you see are both these ladies beautiful eyes (even from behind, I'm still looking at Pink's long lashes!) 

There is still a part of my that wants to be a hardcore rocker with a permanent mohawk - I think that might just be my alter ego that comes out when I perform. Who knows? Maybe I'll Miley Cryus up this 'do one of these days...

Happy styling and enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Saturday, August 24, 2013


I know what you're thinking...a cupcake is just a cupcake right?


As a child, my mom taught me how to bake to help me learn about fractions. I loved making cookies and cupcakes, and quickly figured out how to eyeball half a cup of flour, how many teaspoons were table spoon, et cetera.

Alas, I have had many, many baking disasters in the kitchen. I know I can cook, but trust me, for every good meal or treat I make, there were quite a few duds.

That's why I so appreciate when someone or a business can get things just so right. 

I may have grown up since those early math days, but I still adore cupcakes. Some people have token coffee shops and must-go restaurant choices. I have the same for these petits gĂ¢teaux. Here are a few of my favourites:


A friend of mine recommended Dlish Cupcakes one winter afternoon, and we trotted off to find the store on Queen West. Needless to say, every time I've been in the neighbourhood, I've found an excuse to pass by Dlish to grab a cupcake - they're that good. 

Even better? They're always giving away cupcakes via Twitter. Every few afternoons, they'll tweet a secret word or phrase, and if you can get there in time, you could win some free cupcakes with this information. 



New York City might as well be called cupcake Mecca. Like a coffee order, everyone has their shop and cupcake order figured out. Some may call it high maintenance, I think it's awesome. 

If you haven't heard of Magnolia Bakery from its plethora of media coverage and TV hits, you should know about it right now. The bakery itself is quite girly, decorated in pastels and with white subway tiles along the walls. 

Be prepared to wait a few moments, (there's nearly always a line for these beauties) but I promise they're worth it for the frosting alone. 


Molly's Cupcakes may be my favourite bakery in the world. I'm serious.

My friends who had just moved to New York City said it was a must-go before I left the next day. We trekked over to Greenwich Village (one of my favourite areas) and gorged ourselves on the finest cupcakes I have ever had. 

I like to think of Molly's as a cupcake bar. You choose your cupcake flavour, can add another frosting and sprinkles, cookie crumbs, etc on top. Nothing is too wild. 

Even better? They has swinging seats hanging from the ceiling. Perfect to embrace your inner child. 


Alas, I have not been to the other famed cupcake shop, Crumbs. Next trip. 


This just might have been the place that started it all. 

I remember walking by this extravagant, pink and bright cupcake shop on Denamn Street in Vancouver in late 2006 - I made my entire family stop and go inside. 

What followed was each of us walking out with a treat. Yes, even the male counterparts. 

I think what I love the most about Original Cupcakes is that's all they are, cupcakes. They do one thing, really, really well. And it pays off. I'm a loyal customer whenever I am in Vancouver, and I think I'm going to have to set limits now that I'm officially in the city. 


I'm always on the hunt for great places to find cupcakes in every major city. Got recommendations? Send them my way via the comments below or on social media (@PortiaFavro).

Now go get a cupcake!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Tonight was one of the first that I noticed how early the sun was starting to set. 

I know these carefree days will be gone too all too soon...that means I'm becoming the yes woman. 

Dinner on the beach? Yes. 

Going for an early morning hike? Absolutely. 

Let's go out on the boat. Done. 

There is no time like the present. Off we go! 

Enjoy and soak in August in all its glory.