Thursday, January 31, 2013


Assisting Carla Catherwood teach our choreography last night in rehearal. 
I think choreographer Mia Michaels put it best: 

"...being acknowledged [with an Emmy] for being me, and not trying to be anything but me, is powerful...I always had to work so hard to be where I am, and I don't mind it. Because now, people know me for me." 

Obviously I don't have the same kind of mind as Mia Michaels - she's a brilliant creative director and choreographer - but her quote has really resonated with me. 

My parents, friends, students,  artistic peers and so many more have taken me exactly as I am. 

There's no veil concealing what I do. What you see is what you get. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It's one of those rainy, chilly days here in Toronto. However, the store windows are starting to bloom with floral and vibrant-coloured clothing, making me lust for spring.

Needless to say, the best way to shake off the winter blues is with a few good parties. It's awards, and actually, birthday season as well, so I'm finding that I need a few good outfits each weekend that can work between soirees.

I've been loving the carefree and glamourous aesthetic of the 1970's over the past year, and am currently on the hunt for some disco-inspired partywear. Bianca Jagger has been, and I think will always been one of my greatest style inspirations from the era. She really is the epitome of glamour in the Studio 54 heyday.

You know I'm always the advocate for the jumpsuit, but I'm hoping to expand out to high-waisted pants, towering shoes, and Studio 54-worthy curled hair.

This editorial by Steve Madden shoes has captured this look perfectly. Bring on the platforms man.

Friday, January 25, 2013


"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. 

We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. 

We grow partially. We are relative. 

We are mature in one realm, childish in another. 

The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. 

We are made up of layers, cells, constellations."

— Anaïs Nin 

Got some fantastic news the other day about another opportunity this spring to showcase even more of my dance choreography. Fingers crossed I can make it work - stay tuned for updates. 

It's chilly here in Toronto, and after a busy week I'm planning to take a step back this weekend. 

Happy Friday and enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


This showgirl/writer has some tired legs from dancing and working mucho these past few weeks. 

Mixed in with this chilly weather, I'm dreaming to warm, clear days and sandy shores. 

True to form, there's never a dull moment in my maison. Heading off to perform a country line dance this afternoon and celebrating a new dance session with my fellow comrades tonight. 

More to come this weekend on the blogette - I have a few treats stewing! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I grew up watching countless classic dance movies  - Step Up, Center Stage, Flashdance, A Chorus Line to name a few.

But above all, the movie Shall We Dance will always stay closest to my heart. 

It's hard to believe that it came out almost 10 years ago, but I can distinctly remember going to the movie theatre on a whim with my parents to see it. 

Having only recently been introduced to Richard Gere's smooth moves in Chicago a few years before, I had a small idea of what I was getting into. However, I didn't expect this little film to have such a major impact on both my parents and myself. 

Tired of his mundane life, Richard Gere's character signs up for ballroom dance classes on a whim after seeing the teacher (Jennifer Lopez) in the studio window. After weeks of trying, failing, getting back up and more training, Gere's character starts to find an immense amount of joy in dance. This leads to Gere entering a ballroom dance competition and succeeding. 

However, one of the best moments in the movie has hardly any dance happening in it at all. 

There is a scene when Gere and his fellow new dance comrades are anxiously waiting in the studio for their class to start. Jennifer Lopez walks into the room - shoulders back, chin lifted and literally gliding. 

I remember being seated between my parents in the movie theatre, and during this moment, my dad reached across me to grab my mother's hand as Gere and Lopez started to dance. 

There is another part in the movie when Lopez's character talks about starting to take dance seriously when she was eight years old. My mother leaned into me and whispered "same as you." 

In so many ways, I think that was the night I decided I needed to have dance, in whatever form it was, in my life. 

This evolved into teaching children, teens and adults of all levels, choreographing and now performing professionally. 

There are tough days. The times when I get cut first in an audition. When I'm in pain from rehearsal. When it just doesn't seem like I can catch a break. 

But that's life. Success doesn't have to be measured by those standing ovations. I'm seeing that it can be in those quiet moments between a teacher and her student. 

So friends, shall we dance? 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


There are few things I love more than a good suit on a man or a woman. In black and white? Even better. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Depending on how you look at it, opening up your calendar and seeing a month full of appointments, commitments and more can be either daunting or exhilterating. I tend to work better when I have absolutely too much on my plate, as it foreces me to balance my time perfectly. If something goes out of whack, my whole month will get thrown off.

However, I read an article about comedian Tina Fey and her secrets to success the other day, and her's is quite simple. Always, always say "yes".

This couldn't have come at a better times - I've been approached with some very unique opportunities this month. I'm saying "yes".

This also applies to things I want to do around my home. I've been in my new apartment for five months (wowza!) and I keep meaning to get little projects done or what not.

Thus, January's  Top 5 is dedicated to the home. 

Coffee Table. 

I'm a huge fan of the exqusitely talented Emily Schuman of the blog Cupcakes and Cashmere, and love this video she released this week. I'm on the hunt for a great coffee table tray that isn't too expensive. 

Gallery Wall. 

This challenge has been haunting me over the last few months. I have acuqired some art, but I'm very indecisive about what the hanging arrangement will be. Luckily, I found this nifty layout guide
Time to start experimenting! 

Accent Paint.

So simple. So effective. 


Christmas lights, a steady hand and an outlet. I'm thinking this might even be fun for my living space/room as well. Now the question is, what word do I choose? 

Patio Time. 

One of the things I was desperate for when I was looking for an apartment was somewhere with outdoor space. I have a sweet little backyard patio that will be divine once the warm weather comes back. 

I'm hoping to incorporate some more Christmas lights into the tree, and also have a little herb garden (is there anything better when you're cooking to go cut some fresh basil). Oh spring, come soon! 

Again, these are just some ideas. Fingers crossed I can get some of these little projects done before the warm weather arrives. 

Have an amazing weekend and enjoy! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


"The way I define happiness is being the creator of your experience, 

choosing to take pleasure in what you have, right now, 

regardless of the circumstances, 

while being the best you that you can be."

— Leo Babauta 

I also just realized today that I am on the cusp of my blogette turning four years old! My oh my, how the time flies. 
Looking at my first few posts brought back a lot of memories of my first year of univeristy - I was in a completely different headspace and couldn't even fathom what the next few years of my life would be like. 
I was doubting everything, but for whatever reason, I stuck with my guy instinct. 
And here we are, four years later. Still infatuated with Toronto, but my scope, work and friend base has grown larger and more vibrant than I could have ever hoped. 
I'm happy to have this little corner of the web to chronicle my path. You've been good to me, blogette. Here's to the next chapter. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Music can get you through anything. I can't tell you the number of parties where the atmosphere has been made (or destroyed) by the playlist.

The past couple of weeks have been fairly wild for me - between super early mornings at the TV station, running to the pool to teach fitness classes and rehearsal for dance gigs, the TTC, my iPod and I have been spending a lot of quality time together.

With a every new year, or even every new month, it's fun to mix some fresh tunes into your tried and true "commute" playlist. I sent out a call on Twitter  for favourite songs, and here are a few that made my ears tip up.

JANUARY 2013  by pfav on Grooveshark

Sunday, January 13, 2013


'Tis the eve of one of my favourite times of the year, awards season. 

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will kick it off hosting tonight's Golden Globe festivities (and HBO's Girls is also premiring - oh the choices!) 

We're all busy, but in I was speaking to film critic Richard Crouse last week about his pick films to expect to win during award season, and he cited a few movies like Lincoln and Les Mis as must-sees. 

I find keeping up with the television world difficult as I don't have cable (or many free evenings to watch) but movies are always doable. 

My plan is to see as many of the Oscar-nominated "Best Picture" films before the Academy Awards in February and hopefully review/blog about them. Needless to say, I'll be taking full advantage of cheap Tuesday at the theatre. Stay tuned! 

Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the mild Toronto weather!