Oh my goodness, the month that I have been waiting for, for so long is just about here!
The February blues are stinky. So, along with my idea of celebrating each day like it's my birthday, I've renamed it the February Pinks.
I start my internship with Canada AM this month (which is an experience I'm looking very forward to), it's Valentine's Day soon (who doesn't love a whole day about love...whether you're single or betrothed) and it's slowly getting a little bit more light out later each day.
January is the slump month for me - so many things to catch up on after the Christmas season, the snow and cold, fighting the new, huge crowds at the gym...so February is a little bit more relaxed.
I've been lucky to have a great opportunity to get so many pieces written and broadcast on The Ryersonian, and now as a content reporter for the site/publication, hope to dedicate myself to the newsroom as much as I can.
Of course, there's got to be a balance. I'll be dancing in a show coming up soon and in a flash mob on Valentine's Day. Want more details? Send me an email or tweet me anytime.
I heard this great quote a few months ago, "Lack of passion is fatal" - I've been hoping to live and breathe this everyday.
PS as we head into the Superbowl weekend, I leave you with this divine little video - I hope to be recreating this on Sunday with my girls!
As well, I hit over 1,100 individual hits on the blogette this month! I'm absolutely over the moon and can't thank my readers enough for checking in and following my musings.
Merci beaucoup! Je t'adore.
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