Have you ever stopped, looked around, and realized that you are completely and utterly in the right place?
I mean physically, as well as emotionally.
I'm pulling a complete Charlotte right now...
"Carrie Bradshaw: What makes you think something bad is gonna happen?
Charlotte York: Because! Nobody gets everything they want! Look at you, look at Miranda. You're good people and you two both got shafted. I'm so happy and... something bad is going to happen.
Carrie Bradshaw: Sweetie, you sh*t your pants this year. I think you're done." - Sex and the City (2008)
Now, I haven't done the last thing Charlotte did, but I finally understand where she is coming from.
I've been lucky, worked hard and finally found my place. As I've said before, it took me 18 years, but now I'm finally in my most constant environment...and also the one I have chosen for myself.
And Miss Bradshaw's words, Charlotte is the "Eternal Optimist". I think we all need to have a little bit of her in us. It makes all things more bearable.
And really (as I thought on my way home) how do we know when something bad will happen. If I live in protection all the time, how will I ever be okay.
Then I tripped on an uneven part of the sidewalk.
I got up and carried on. Maybe that's the universe's way of telling me "That's just what you do."
Just a thought.
Love it!