Friday, May 16, 2014


This is my favourite time of the year.

Boots have been tucked away. It's light until 9:30PM. Afternoon meetings turn into evening hangouts and then into late night drinks. Bare legs are the standard fashion, along with a denim jacket. 

Summer is so close, we can almost taste it. 

This is my first year as an entrepreneur / going out on my own for work, and I hope I can still take advantage of these warm weather opportunities...and a little blogging time, of course! My apologies for being a touch m.i.a. The seeds I planted awhile ago are starting to bloom, and I gotta take time to water them.

But alas, here is my Top 5 for May:  

I want these all over my body, all the time. 
My good friend Karoline returned from Hawaii about a month ago with a plethora of them in her pockets, and our group of friends has proceeded to slap them on at every social gathering. They're just temporary tattoos, but the metallic shine makes them that much cooler. 

PS their Instagram is killer. (@flashtattoos)

Age of Electronica. 
We have LED costumes that will respond to the music. Just sayin'. 
June 6&7 in Vancouver, B.C. Tickets available here

If you can't find me this summer, I'm likely at their Kits location having a $15 wine flight on the patio. 

So excited to see this babe perform live next weekend. Favourite track: "Waiting Game". 

My main gal is off to Europe for six weeks! I'm thrilled to follow her adventures and live vicariously through her social media posts. Have a blast Alicia! 

Have a lovely long weekend.

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