Sometimes the best weekends are the ones that aren't planned. Sitting by the pool, eating fresh peaches and impromptu dates.
However, what about the times that we can't plan for? Well, as much as we're shaken up, it can (and often is anyway) an opportunity to learn something brand new.
Yesterday, one of the girls got a flat tire. As girls in bikinis stood there and looked at the car, we did the first thing we hadn't done in quite awhile...be quiet.
Multiple phone calls to fathers, friends and stealing a nearby (male) neighbour, we watched with bated breath and wide eyes how to change a tire.
Even at those moments when we think we're all grown up, it's moments like that which spin our heads around and show us how much there is still to figure out. Some might see it as a challenge. I think we saw it as a benefit - there's still time to be youthful, even in our maturity.
I leave you with a little treat - my two favourite British singers Lissie and Ellie Goulding.
Thanks for a lovely last weekend Kelowna, I've pulled out my suitcases and am mentally packing already!
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