This has been the summer of lust. Get your head out of the gutter, of course there's been men and love interests, but I'm talking about lust for life.
I'm currently working on a few dance projects and am over the moon. My favourite thing about choreography is that it is an open road - you can drive anywhere, maybe one it, maybe off to the shoulder and sometimes even backwards. But in the end, it's yours to conquer. You can choose the direction you go in, and when it doesn't work, you pull a u-turn and try again.
Until I see my dancers working with my ideas and movement, I don't want to force anything. Inspiration is key, but I think that my place in this world is to feed off the energy and talents of the performers, not just what I can do.
Individuality is key.
Not to say that I don't have anything planned (have you met me?) But today I had a blast from the past with music. I'm currently loving everything against the grain of typical "contemporary" dance music (I love you Adele, but I cannot do anything to your music).
After an extensive iTunes shuffle, I came across my old, old, old Annie Lennox albums. "Walking on Broken Glass" struck a chord with me that I haven't felt for awhile while choreographing, and instantly I knew what I wanted to do.
The cool thing? I also have decided this piece will be about flamingos. Not the cheesy, front yard, plastic ones, but beautiful birds that can dance.
I'll pause for your giggles. I know you're doing it.
But I say...why not? Birds are the epitome of change, moving with the wind, grace and quirky. There's a thousand different kinds individual species in the phylum - just like humans. I know I'm going to explain this to my dancers and they'll look at me like I'm insane, but well-behaved women barely make history.
I'll take some video for my reel. I promise no one-legged standing poses. This is dance after all. I'm in lust of creativity and in awe of movement. Oh, and slightly excited to be teaching at my first intensive.
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and good short work week!
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