Looking back at the last year, this has been one of the most defining eras of my life, so far.
2013 was hard. I realize now that back then I was incredibly sad and probably a bit depressed about several things happening in and around my life. However, I felt like I had little power to change things.
I allowed and made myself be and act very small.
However, after visiting Vancouver and decided to move a few weeks later, I found myself starting to soften.
The things I kept so secret and private were public - by choice - and my passion and hobbies were starting to turn into a full-blown career.
I felt my roots start to solidify. I could do this. I can be the person and dancer I always wanted and dreamed I could be.
As you well know, several important performance opportunities came up this past year that challenged me physically, emotionally and mentally. It wasn't all sunshine and roses, but as an artist and performer, you put on a brave face and go out to give it everything you have at that moment.
After all, the show must go on.
A good girlfriend from Toronto joined me at a party this past weekend, and I was absolutely thrilled to introduce her to all my new friends and beautiful circle.
As we walked home, she said, "Portia, those people all take you for exactly as you are...just own it."
My word(s) and goals for 2015: Just do it. Be me. Be 150% just me.
No more people pleasing.
Thank you Vancouver for taking me for who I am...flaws, talents, successes and all.
Just a few thoughts. Sweet dreams.