Monday, July 16, 2012


I have been totally bitten by the Lana del Rey bug.

Her voice is haunting, beautiful and her music sways somewhere between classic ballads and R and B with heavy beats. Even better? It's all wrapped up in movie-like music videos.

"National Anthem" pulls in some classic Americana references - del Rey impersonating bombshell Marilyn Monroe serenading JFK with a "happy birthday" song, Jack O outfits...Even the filming technique has a vintage feel to it.

Overall, I'm just obsessed. This is my pick track of summer 2012.

Check out the video below:

I'm heading into some crazy preparation and a few weeks of Olympic work, so my apologies for a lack of posts here.

I'll be tweeting mucho during the games, make sure to follow my on Twitter for the latest updates! (@PortiaFavro)

1 comment:

  1. I too am obsessed PFav! Love love love.
