It's hard to believe a month has flown by living at my new apartment. I'm absolutely loving living a bit farther west in downtown Toronto, and slowly but surely am learning and living in the dynamic of my new neighbourhood.
One thing I've been embracing for the past month was something that used to really scare me...eating alone.
Of course, it's perfectly fine to grab a coffee at a cafe and catch up on email solo, but I still feel like it isn't always okay for someone to go into a restaurant alone.
Even tonight as I made my way into a new sushi place I have been interested in trying, the sound of "Oh, just one?" was almost enough to send me out the way I came in.
However, novel in hand, I had access to the choice table in the restaurant (near a big window overlooking the street), was given samples of various pieces of sushi and finally got a good chunk of my book read that I have been meaning to do.
I took as long as I felt, paused, sipped and people-watched. In a city and lifestyle where one is constantly hyper-connected and surrounded by people all the time, taking an hour of solitude in a public place was fantastic.
Next on the list? I'm thinking Indian food (still looking to find a good place in Toronto - let me know if you have a recommendation).
This is also leading up to a very exciting week for me and my university peers. On Friday we will be donning caps and gowns and graduating from Ryerson University's Bachelor of Journalism program. My parents will arrive this week, and there will be many celebrations and cheers to be had!
Needless to say, I've just gotten really excited.
All the best into the upcoming week!
For amazing Indian food- Banjara !! There's one at bloor just west of Christie and one at yonge and Ellington ! So delish!