I have met so many incredible people who have changed the way I look at the world now. Whether it be a student, parent, politician, celebrity, singer, scientist, etc., I find my mind continually blown when I see what people are working on.
This made me think - there's an old saying that "many hands make the work go faster". I think this is true in some of these people and projects I've seen.
Yes, we all want to change the world, but sometimes that task can be a bit daunting...especially if you're going at something alone.
However, if we all try to do something to connect with the objective to creating a better world, place, whatever your fancy is, I really, truly believe there are enough people out there to help make this dream a reality.
It's tangible, real and going to happen during this generation. I can feel it.
Just a(n) (inspired) thought.

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