My apologies in advance - I am in the middle of moving out my apartment, running out to a dance workshop and performing tonight at a charity function.
Busy, busy, busy...but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Before things get too chaotic, I wanted to share some of my goals for the upcoming month.
May 2012 has been a looming month for me. Besides moving, it has essentially meant a lot of change in many areas of my life -especially no longer being a student and deciding what direction I wanted to pursue for the summer.
However, the great thing about the
right now, is that I'm excited to be moving more west in Toronto's downtown core and have quicker access to more events, classes, et cetera. I'm hoping to take full advantage of my location over the summer.
First off, The Contact Photography Festival in Toronto kicks off this May. I'm never here for the festival, so I'm hoping to take in and tour as many galleries as possible. One of the galleries is doing an exhibit dedicated solely to my all-time favourite band...(drumroll please, or is it even needed?) The Rolling Stones.
If the
50 Years of The Rolling Stones: A Rock & Roll Retrospective Exhibit Opening is as awesome as it sounds, my month will be off to a great start!
Also, the
Hot Docs Film Festival started this past week, and I'm planning to take in as many weird, out there, interesting, thought-provoking films as my mind, schedule and wallet will allow.
Last but not least - four years later, and I still have not been to the Art Gallery of Ontario. This month though, I want to see the touring
Picasso collection, which includes pieces from the Musee National in Paris.
I got my goals and will try my best to stick with them - and blog along the way!
Happy Saturday and have a great weekend.
PS! I had the highest amount of views on my blog this month ever! Thank you to all my readers for your support!