"Why are you here?" is the question I got most last night. I wasn't at the wrong class or meeting for something, nor was it normal business hours. This was probably around 2 A.M.
In B.C., after either graduation commencement ceremonies or prom there is a Dry Grad. Parents take an entire year to plan a party that encourages safe celebration for high school graduates. It's also one of the last times you will have all your friends in one place, able to share food, activities and spend so much time together. You arrive around 11 P.M. and party all night until 5 A.M.
No, no one from my immediate family graduated from the school this year, but friend's younger siblings, my swim and dance friends and students I have taught all did. I was asked to volunteer to help them celebrate (my pseudo-younger siblings), I could not say no. My mother also planned Dry Grad my graduating year, and I had to see how things had changed (you can see her influence, I'm so proud!)
Now, as much as I wouldn't go back to high school after university life, I would go back to see that night again. When you live across the country, it's neat to see so many people coming together that you know.
I have a lot of pride in my high school. This is the place that gave me a life, connections and introduced me to people all across Kelowna and those who will be with me for the rest of my life. True, running around with Slurpee's for students in the wee hours of the morning may not seem like the most fun and interesting way to give back, but I had to honour these kids, this school, and the life it gave me. I believe in communities and giving back.
As weird as it is to say or think this, I wouldn't be anywhere without that high school.
But it's all good. Even though at 2 A.M. I was exhausted, I met a gorgeous guy who was also volunteering. Can't complain at all.
"So why were you there again Portia?"
Why not?
Congrats to the class of 2011. You all looked beautiful last night and behaved like such ladies and gentlemen - all the best in the future!
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