"Any pointers or tips Portia?"
I looked up into the striking reversed pupil eyes (trippy contacts) of my dear friend, I couldn't believe that he was asking me this. This was before notes with the director, advice from fellow actors, any of that. He has the advice of some of the best in the agency and isn't afraid of getting his feelings and skills critiqued and hurt.
Why would he ask me?
Then I remembered. Underneath it all, I'm a performer.
All day, I'm constantly thinking about performance, whether it be acting, dance or singing. My anologies are all related to the crafts. I love broadcast journalism as I "perform" the news. I dance and choreograph around my apartment, sometimes falling too hard onto the wood floors. Sometimes walking down the street, I see someone make an interesting movement - the next thing you know, it's incorporated into my next piece.
I can't deny who I am. Some people say that they were born to do one thing, but can I argue that we were meant or want to do several? Where does the boundary lie? Does one even exist?
Here's to the continuing first step into the next part of our lives and what we're destined to do.
My advice for my actor friend? Use your hips more, you're playing a woman after all!
PS you should also check out "Welcome to Thebes" at Ryerson Theatre School this week. 8PM in the McAllister Studio, free admission. The talent is incredible, and the second-year students act years beyond their age.
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