Thursday, February 10, 2011


Contrary to most, I actually love Valentine's Day, especially when I'm single.

Say what Portia?

Seriously, how much fun is it dressing up in pink and red dresses, eating as many chocolates as you want and just letting yourself enjoy the day. There's no need to get down on single-awareness-day.

At the end of it all, the relationship that's the most important is the one I have with myself - no matter what's going on in the world around me. I've never had a bad Valentine's Day where I felt sad. More and more, I can see how surrounding yourself with people who matter and love me for who I am is really what matters. To be completely honest, I'm still really trying to figure myself out, and after a dating/love spree, things are finally starting to match up and fall into place. There's always time, why be down?

This year might be a little different. I'm dancing around with a new beau, so things are interesting. However, national holiday or not, this will not remove me from the annual spoil-yourself-day.
Get a pedicure. Buy yourself flowers. Read a good book. Think of how beautiful it is to do whatever you want just for you, only you, forever you. Let yourself be selfish. It only comes once a year - indulge in it.

Will I? Absolutely, unless my new prince shows up with distinct pair of glittery Louboutins at my door, then I'll be willing to pencil in a rain check with myself...

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