First, we have the initial idea. You might be a kid wanting to be an astronaut, a teenager pining to run away to the city of lights, a university student yearning for freedom away from exams and studying.
However, people don't talk about the bridge between your ideas and them actually coming true. Yes we can dream, yearn and wish upon a star, but that's not to get anything done. It's like my favourite Blair Waldorf quote. "Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen." I really believe in that. I've seen friends overcome so much to get what they want, and some back out because they're scared. I've seen other people try, try, try and they catch a break. Very few have uttered "I want to do 'X'", forgotten about it and gotten what they wanted without hardly trying. There's a method to every madness.
While at a gathering with some of my female journalism colleagues, we talked about our future goals. Of course, there was a voice recorder, and we'll be laughing at our youthful voices ten years from now. What I loved about every single one of the women in the room is that they knew what direction they wanted to go in - everything wasn't set in stone, they don't know if the sun will rise tomorrow, being a mom one day still lingers in the back of our minds...but they were all active, alive dreams if you will.
There's a place between darkness and wonder, and while you're working to make things happen, you're there.Have your dreams, but remember to keep them alive. There's no use calling for the west wind when you're not willing to take the ride. As Randy Pausch said in The Last Lecture, "You can acheive your own dreams, or enable the dreams of others."
Just a thought.
What are your dreams? What's your path there?
PS - soundtrack of the day is Broken Social Scene. Keep checking back for my next playlist post - "The New Classics".
