Today is one of those days in Toronto. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, there's not a sound in the apartment but my fingers dancing across the keyboard and not an ambulance has gone screaming by (yet!). I can see the wind, pushing around the drop cloth for the new mural/window-washing building across the street, and that cute little old lady who lives somewhere in the building just walked her dog down the street (I love floor to ceiling windows). I feel like I'm doing and observatory piece for creative writing class.
Excuse all my cliches and sappy moments. But today is one of those days that although things have not worked out completely as I wanted them to, I'm trying to remember, no scratch that, know that everything is going to be okay, today is a new day, the sun is shining, the coffee is hot, and how lucky this life can be. I'm grateful for this gift. :)
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