What really is the difference between joy and happiness? Do we have a natural amount of joy within us that has programed our minds into seeing how the glass is half-empty or full? Or is happiness the temporary high we are on when lifting the lid on that new pair of shoes you found for 50 per cent off? Is it possible for that moment of happiness to be ignited by the joy inside? How would we ever know what will give us joy and make us happy, if it is not a natural instinct inside?

Perhaps it is that joy and happiness are interconnected and triggered by each other. To have happiness, one must have joy. But joy comes from happiness. This sounds all confusing. So what is the feeling of sitting on the dock in the early morning with just the wild around you - hapioy? Perhaps, bliss. Not the state of ignorance, but the peace and restfulness of the mind. Being one with the moment, and those lovely people you share it with. This bliss is not always there, and not always calm and perfect, but when it happens, you know. Just know.
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