I've decided I needed to take more risks in life. Example A) dying my hair a wash-out red colour that I got from the drugstore. Looked awesome, everyone loved it, had strangers in Shoppers Drug Mart telling me that I had fabulous hair. You think I would keep it forever right?
I got bit by the hair dye bug. One moment I'm happy as a brunette, then next thing you know, two of my close friends and I are stuffed into my hotel-size bathroom with a bottle of peroxide and a blonde dye kit over my tub. The result? Well, three bleaches later on a Tuesday night, I resembled somewhat of a Dragonball Z cartoon character orange hairstyle.
I needed intervention.
Wednesday afternoon, five hours and another three bleaches (and one steam treatment later) I am a Gwen Stefani blonde. So through the pain I'm feeling in my head,I have been blonde for a good 24 hours, and so far it's going okay. Had a little freak out last night that I had made the completely wrong decision ever and killed my beautiful hair, but hey, change is good.
Lesson learned: Go for it. Takes risks, if they fail, there's always another solution around the corner. Literally, it was on Yonge Street of Toronto.
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