So it has been offically one week since I decided to go blonde.
"Why?" is the most common question I have been getting, so I shall answer and tell the story.
I have always said that it would be fun to be blonde, and one package of bleached dye and a bottle of peroxide later, I was an orange, "Dragonball Z" character (as we termed it) redhead. The things of university - my two friends and I in my bathroom bleaching my hair until 3 a.m. Beauty. However, after four hours and three more bleach treatments later at the salon, I have Gwen Stefani white blonde, which as now warmed up a little bit. This was a lot of thinking leading up to it, but after biting the bullet, it's done. My rationale? Why not? It's only hair, and if I hate it I can always dye it back.
So do blondes have more fun?
I think it's that we are so vulnerable, that with the change in hair colour this saying has come about. Going from brunette to blonde, (in a week so far) I have learned that I have to really own it shall we say. People look at you, even those who might not have known before, in a differently. Seriously, I still have moments now that I look in the mirror and I don't recognize that girl staring back at me.
This is all a process. We'll see in a couple of weeks if this whole blondes having fun thing plays out...so far, true. :)