Bonjour May!
To steal a note // style from my wonderful friend Breanna of
Sex and Sandwiches:
Currently listening: "Prisoner" by The Weeknd ft. Lana del Ray
(listen here)
Drinking: a glass of rosé wine. One ice cube.
Sitting: at home.
Today is my first full day off since March 29. By full day off, I mean - no meetings, no calls, no rehearsals, no dates.
Zip. Nada. Kapeesh.
Well, my parental units are coming into town so I'll be having a rendez-vous with them, but that doesn't count.
Since leaving my "day job" I've been to Terrace, B.C., Portland and all over the Lower Mainland teaching, dancing and enjoying the sights in-between. This morning, I relished in the glory of not setting an alarm, staying in my PJ's until 3PM, and my only chore being to go get a said wine that I'm enjoying now.
I'm having what one of my good friends calls an "Apartment Day". That means, not leaving your home (unless for crucial supplies...again, the wine) all day. It's up there with one of the most glorious feelings one can experience.
Like any good party girl, I like to go out every night of the week that I can. If someone invites me over for a drink, I'll be there. If there's a show happening, I'll find a way to get the money to go. Life is too short to stay home and watch Netflix.
But there are are moments that I need to step back. I can feel it physically - especially now that I'm teaching and choreographing almost full-time.
I felt it this weekend. I needed to take today to recharge my batteries. Take a moment. Soak in the nothing. The lull. The sunshine. The words of my book.
Life is good.
If you can, take an Apartment Day. I promise, it will feel lovely.