I've learned a couple simple things about myself over the past year:
1. You're smarter than you think.
2. Go with the flow...but listen to your gut.
3. How to function on any amount of sleep.
Lesson One: After spending my first year post-university struggling to find consistent work, I can see how much I was my own worst enemy.
As a dancer, we're given "notes" at the end of every performance. I'm used to being called out for my mistakes in front of an entire company. I learned how to take those corrections, apply them and show a level of respect for the director, producer and cast.
It's true - even if you know 100 amazing and positive things about yourself, that one or two negative comments and critiques can eat you up inside. I was my own worst enemy last year, and although I projected a positive outlook, I beat myself up (mentally) often.
My solution to this was fairly simple: when you start to believe in what you're doing (and take no prisoners) others will too.
I was able to have a fresh start in Vancouver, and realize this strategy could have totally backfired. Luckily, it hasn't!
Lesson Two: As I've moved farther in the dance and communications world, my job can change in mere moments (especially when breaking news occurs).
Jumping on board and changing course is important. It is my job not to lose the audience. However, it is just as important to know when to jump off the ship when things are taken too far.
Don't be a social media bully - even toward a famous person - if you wouldn't say something to their face, don't say it online.
Lesson Three: Naps, Saturday mornings and one super early bedtime during the week is key.
Between handling my own clients, working in sales and as a dance teacher/performer, I have a lot of early mornings and very late evenings (again...going with the flow of when meetings happen!)
Besides a good cup of coffee in the AM, if I can hit the hay an hour earlier than normal on one night during the week, it makes a difference. When I get a weekend morning to turn off my phone, I take it.
Just a thought. Or three.