I'm so sorry to be M.I.A. lately, but you know the speal - start of the semester, too much reading, etc. etc. However, today is a very special day. It's my dad's birthday.
My dad taught me that I can do anything I want, be whomever I want to be, and he always has my back. He's let me stand on his shoulders and help achieve my dreams, no matter how far-fetched, unattainable or just plain silly they might have been (and may still be). He taught me how to waltz, to never say no to a boy asking me to dance, and time jokes in conversations perfectly.
But perhaps the most importance lesson he has taught me was to love myself for who I am.
not a tomboy. I still am, and always will be the dancing-yoga-swimming-pink loving-girly girl. When I was a child, my dad took me into San Francisco at Christmastime and to the toy store F.A.O Schwartz (RIP) to see the windows, displays and the Willy Wonka-esque rooms of toys. However, what to I remember most from that day?
1. The Barbie section (i.e. Mecca)
2. This glass fish tank with Barbie shoes floating through the water as a display for the banister
You know what's even cooler? My dad was totally okay with me just wanting to stay entranced with the Barbie section. He didn't drag me away, he didn't huff and puff. It was just him and I, bonding over stilettos. But all these years later, I can see a lesson here - by his actions, my dad showed me that it was okay to be exactly who I was, and he accepted me for who I am completely. He didn't push me to become something I didn't want to be, which is huge considering where I am in my life.
He's my first and will always be my favourite dance partner. I'm still running toward my dreams, and know that no matter what happens, my dad is the kinda guy who'll take care of me and bring me back up. Even if it means going to look for those Barbie shoes again.
Happy Birthday Dad. I love you and hope that you're dancing on the beach in Mexico - wish I could be there.