First off, my apologies for my less-then-frequent posts/content.
I always forget how little I am near a computer when I'm back home. Your priorities are totally reestablished, and I find myself saying (sometimes too late in the day) "Oh my! I forgot to post something on my blog!"
Not today though!
Here we are again, only a few days away from another eve to another year.
It's hard to believe that this year, the time that I've look toward graduating from school, jumping in to another chapter, and finding out more about who I am us only mere months away from happening.
Not that the time leading up to this hasn't been a journey all on its own. But there's always been something about 2012 that stuck in my mind.
I remember thinking when 2008 was so far away to graduate from high school, and looking back, I have those same feelings now about graduating from university. I can feel the effect that time has taken on me, and it's been primarily positive.
I just can't help but wonder about what I've experienced in the past 22 years, through my own actions, witnessing and being involved in my friend's as well has opened us to in the future.
"Live like you'll die tomorrow" is one of the most common sayings I've been hearing over and over again as of late. Part of me wants to jump on the next plane to Paris then. But there's still a part of me that needs to have a peg somewhere down the road, just in case that plane has to be taxied back to the terminal because of the weather.
Is that bad? Can I live freely and fearlessly each day, but still have security? I know it may be ironic, but I think that balance is the only way I can stay sane in my life.
Being home always helps me reconnect and check back in with what's going on the world and those closest to me. This holiday season has been beautiful, and I'm thankful for the opportunities that this community has given me over the past (and other) years.
May this is why I don't do New Year Resolutions. I think you should live your life the way you plan it everyday. Why waste the time thinking of tomorrow - think of next year, but not so much that it throws off today.
I know, I know, easier said than done. But it's worth a try, don't you think?
Here's to 2012!