It's that time of the year - yes, Christmas is upon (the red cups are already out at Starbucks!) but rather for students, professionals and other work-related functions, our final projects, term papers and reports are all due in a matter of weeks. The best thing to remember is to relax and know that you've done everything that you can, and if you're still working on it, get your butt off the couch and get it done as opposed to whining!
Along with it being busy academically, this is also the prime social event time of the year. When I log onto Facebook every morning, I have a plethora of events in Kelowna, BC and Toronto and people have invited me to. Christmas parties, girls nights, boyfriend's band concerts, etc. After talking to my dear friend on the phone yesterday and remembering that I have not slept or eaten in about three days due to social engagements, she replied "That's fabulous, but you should eat something."

It got me thinking about the opportunities. Here I was, whining that I got to go to a glamorous girls night over the weekend, and I'm finding that amiss all my schoolwork, I'm trying to take advantage of the city and enjoy the season more so this year than ever before. It's really true - older colleagues, parents and friends have all said that life just gets busier as you grow up, but it's fun. Yes, schoolwork takes the top spot in my life, but with that amount more homework, there's always a party to counterbalance it. It's the classic (excuse my cliche, please) "work hard, play harder" idea.
Keep your eyes peeled, I'll be posting my first review in awhile for
The Take Media in the next few days - as a sneak peak, if you're not going to the
Drake Hotel for Elvis Mondays, you're missing out.
Off to write, essay and study. What a fun evening, but I'm attending two shows, dancing and have a Christmas party this weekend. Whens a girl to sleep when life has so much light? I have great friends who support and sparkle beside me everyday to help make this all happen.