This question has been bothering me since I was about 13 years old when I was at a Bat Mitzvah for a friend and they were trying to explain it in their sermon. It has been seven years, and I'm still trying to figure out how to explain why this happens. Is this fate? We're going along and everything is ticky-boo and then bam, it feels like the whole world dropped on your head.
I'm trying to spread the love and support those who have had this. It's so freaking unfair. Some days, I just look up at the sky - rain, snow or shine and question everything. There are so many amazing people I know that have had the worst of worst, and it's just criminal to even fathom.
I have written and spoken about it a lot, and not trying to say that I think of myself highly as a good person, (I have my major flaws!) but after I hurt my knee almost two years ago, I thought life was over. Dance is my passion, and I really thought I was going to make it as a professional performer after high school. Between a huge knee brace (pink of course), countless hours of psychotherapy and mind-numbing exercises, I saw that dream on the ground smashed into a million little pieces.
But things turn out okay.
Marilyn Monroe once said, "Things fall apart so better things can fall together." It takes time. It's a process and we're all on our ways to figuring out how to fix the situations and things that have broken in for us, or perhaps aid someone else.

Stand tall, keep your chin up and don't forget how much sparkle you bring into the world. Everyday is a gift.
You can dance, you can wear fabulous clothes, and you can love. Love is beautiful, hold that close to your heart, and no matter what happens, things will work out in the end because of how much you care and support others when they're down - and that gift is always returned.